Tabbed controller

Create project
1. Create new project.
2. Choose tabbed application.

Change the label at the bottom.
1. Go to the storyboard and select the scene.
2. Select the label.
3. Select attributes inspector.
4. Change the title.

Go to the second view controller code in assistant mode:
1. At the top of the assistant, click on automatic, select manual and choose the second view controller class.

- Think Instagram, facebook
- Row of tabs at the bottom of the screen, specific to IOS
- You will see 2 view controllers.swift
- You will see more than one item in main.storyboard (there is more than one scene)
- A tabbed bar controller doesn't show anything (shows default look for both controllers), controls which view is shown at anyone time.
- When you go in, you can select and delete the labels in the storyboard.
- You can copy and paste UI elements from one scene to another, but constraints for the first UI element, apart from width and height, are all dropped.


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