Swift Basics - Generics
We use generics when we need to create functions that can be used with multiple types.
If I wish to create a function that swaps 2 objects, I will need to create a function for each type, without generics:
func swapInt(a: Int, b: Int){}
func swapString(a: String, b: String){}
func swapDouble(a: Double, b: Double){}
We can condense all 3 into one function that makes use of a generic type:
func swap<T>(a: T, b: T){}
T is the generic type assigned.
You can also choose another name for T:
func swap<XYZ>(a: XYZ, b: XYZ)
If there are multiple types, we can use different name placeholders for the types:
func swap<T, E>(a: T, b: E){}
To call the function:
var a = 5
var b = 10
swap(a: &a, b: &b)
//placing & before a and b just ensures that their values get updated and persists outside of the function
A generic type is a class, structure or enumeration that can work with any type.
We can create a class of a generic type:
class Listing<G>{
var items = [G]()
func add(item: G)
To instantiate it:
var a = Listing<String>()
var b = Listing<Int>()
var c = Listing<Double>()
If we want to ensure that the type listed is comparable (confirms to comparable protocol - types like String, Int, Double), when creating the class:
class Listing<G, Comparable>()
You can also create generic subscripts:
subscript<T: Hashable>(item: T) -> Int {return item.hashValue}
//Hashable means that it conforms to the hashable protocol.
Generics can also be used as a return type:
subscript<T>(key: String) -> T?{ return dictionary[key] as? T}
Associated types:
Associated types are like generic types used inside protocols:
protocol Proto1
associatedtype T
mutating func add(item: T)
mutating func getItem() -> T?
To use it:
class IntProto: Proto1
var item = 3
func add(item: Int)
func getItem() -> Int?
{ return self.item}
We can also create a class that implements the protocol with a generic type:
class ClassA<G>: Proto1
var item: G
func add(item: G) {}
func getItem()->G?{}
When defining the associated type, we can ensure that it is hashable:
associatedType T: Hashable
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