Swift Basics - Optionals
In Swift, nil is not a pointer to a non-existent object, it just means that it does not have a value.
var str: String? means that it might or might not have a value.
Optionals are used to deal with situations to avoid runtime errors in case variables have not been initialised. By declaring it as optional, we ensure that a variable's value is checked to not be nil being it is being used.
Unwrapping means to get a value from an optional.
Variables need to be a non-nil variable. They must always have a value.
How to unwrap when there is optional chaining:
class ClassA{ var xyz: Int}
class ClassB{ var classA: ClassA?}
class ClassC{ var classB: ClassB?}
Optional binding:
if let tempB = classC.classB, let tempA = tempB.classA{}
Below code is cleaner:
if let tempXYZ = classC.classB?.classA?.xyz{}
Nil Coalescing operator:
Use this when there is a default value in case the optional has a nil value:
var default = "ABC"
var optA: String?
var a = optA ?? default
Optional types:
var str: String? means that it might or might not have a value.
Optionals are used to deal with situations to avoid runtime errors in case variables have not been initialised. By declaring it as optional, we ensure that a variable's value is checked to not be nil being it is being used.
Unwrapping means to get a value from an optional.
Variables need to be a non-nil variable. They must always have a value.
If there are times when we need the variable to have a nil value, we can make use of optionals.
We can assign a nil value to an optional. We don't have to initialise it.
When we are retrieving a value from an optional, we need to make sure that it is not nil.
Here is how to declare an optional:
var nameOfString: String?
nameOfString = "ABC"
if nameOfString != nil
var newString = nameOfString! + "DEF"
Here are a few ways to unwrap an optional
Here are a few ways to unwrap an optional
Here is another way to check. We can assign it to another non-nil variable or constant:
This is known as optional binding:
This is known as optional binding:
var nameOfOptional: String?
if let nameOfConstant = nameOfOptional
print("This optional contains a nil value")
We can also do this:
var nameOfOptional: String?
if let nameOfOptional = nameOfOptional
print("This optional contains a nil value")
We can also use a variable:
var nameOfOptional: String?
nameOfOptional = "ABC"
if var nameOfOptional = nameOfOptional
nameOfOptional = "DEF"
We can also force unwrap an optional:
var str: String?
str = "test"
var abc: String = str!
However, it is still be to check that the value is not nil.
if str != nil
var abc = str!
We can also force unwrap an optional:
var str: String?
str = "test"
var abc: String = str!
However, it is still be to check that the value is not nil.
if str != nil
var abc = str!
Testing multiple optionals:
if let opt1 = opt1, let opt2 = opt2, let opt3 = opt3{//only when all 3 have non-nil values}
Calling methods, properties and subscripts of optional objects:
var sizeOfBed = house?.room?.bedSize
If either the house or the room contains a nil value, size of bed will be nil as well.
How to unwrap when there is optional chaining:
class ClassA{ var xyz: Int}
class ClassB{ var classA: ClassA?}
class ClassC{ var classB: ClassB?}
Optional binding:
if let tempB = classC.classB, let tempA = tempB.classA{}
Below code is cleaner:
if let tempXYZ = classC.classB?.classA?.xyz{}
Nil Coalescing operator:
Use this when there is a default value in case the optional has a nil value:
var default = "ABC"
var optA: String?
var a = optA ?? default
Optional types:
var str: Optional<String>
is equivalent to:
var str: String?
How it is defined:
enum Optional<T>
{ case None
case Some(T)
When case None - it means that there is no value.
T is used to define a generic.
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