Starting a new project?

After planning it on paper,

  1. Go to Xcode and create a new project, single page.
  2. Click on the storyboard on the left side of the screen. 
  3. Turn that single page into a navigation page with links.
  4. Embed it in a view controller (Editor - embed in Navigation Controller). (see this for details)
  5. Set the navigation controller as the initial view controller.
  6. You can edit the main title and the colour of the navigation bar using the main navigation controller attribute inspector.
  7. Add a bar button link at the top of home page with the words 'HOME'.
  8. The other pages will be populated with the back button.
  9. Add other view controllers by drag and dropping it back to the screen.
  10. Add the UI elements for these view controllers and add missing constraints.
  11. Click and drag from the button in the main navigation page to the view controllers they link to.
  12. For each view controllers added, go to file->new. Create new Cocoa Touch file for each view controller and give it a name.
  13. Click on the button (circle with a square inside) of each view controller, click on attribute inspect and assign its view controller class to the cocoa touch class you just created.
  14. Click on the assistant editor (looks like a chain at the top right hand corner). Click on each UI item inside the view controller and press the control button and link it to the view controller it is used in. Create an outlet for each element and declare it as a variable before the ViewDidLoad screen.


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